Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition is amazing! The history of the game, the depth of the products, the quality of the boxes, maps and artwork are all top notch. At the risk of contributing to the Edition Wars that are fought on forums and blogs alike, let me explain why we made this depatrure.
Playing 2nd edition again, after many years, really made me admire the work and effort that went into Dungeons and Dragons 3rd edition. Advaced dungeons and Dragons is an organic ruleset, grown and adapted over many years, and the rules reflect this. In our group we had the growing sensation that the rules did not facilitate the game. Let's face it, the rules of 2nd edition aren't really all that streamlined or balanced. Now, this may not be a bad thing. A lot can be attributed to playing, and DMming style, etc. but still. I can say that 2nd edition isn't really all that suited to govern our playing style.
Playing style
We like to play a fast-paced game. Both in terms of style during sessions as in terms of character advancement. Our style can be characterized as epic or heroic, or pulp-fantasy if you like. The ruleset of Pathfinder natively supports this style, 2nd edition not so much. For instance, we like to use a lot of skills. Let's face it, its fun to roll dice, and we like to succeed. The thrill of succeeding a tumble check to get past an opponent, followed by an jump and acrobatics check to swing from a chandelier, and to finally make an attack against the villain on the balcony. That kind of stuff.
Living system
Last, and certainly not least, I want to be part of a living system again. 2nd edition with it's huge legacy is amazing, but largely static. It doesn't have the creative energy of the retrogaming community. Nor does it provide the thrill of buying brand new books and incorporating them in the campaign. Again, not for everybody, but it is something that appeals to me in Pathfinder.
To conclude
2nd edition is amazing. However as of the next gaming session were converting Night Below to Pathfinder. I'm very much looking forward to it.
*) Picture of edition wars is by the Weem, check him out!