zondag 20 maart 2011

Links Week 11

Sunday is links-day here on Behold the Dice. We read the gaming blogs so you won't have to. Enjoy these best links of last week!

The Underdark Gazette
The Underdark Gazette is one of my favorite sources of old-school gaming information. This week they featured another great links collection.

Sword & Sworcery
The new tagline for the blog is "99.9% unplugged". I'm a big fan of retro-style RPGs and in particular retrographics with modern games. I'm very much looking forward to the Sword & Sworcery, a new adveture game in an old styling. Take a look at the wonderful artwork they have on their site:

Walk in the Woods from Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery on Vimeo.

Printing on Demand
Over at Stargazer's World they have a piece on the printing on demand (POD) of RPGnow. The book that is printed on demand is Stars without numbes, the link to which was featured on the linksfest a few weeks back. In all, Stargazer is very positive about printing on demand. With RPG sales to a (very) low, at least here in the Netherlands, and brick and mortar stores having to make shelf space priorities, it is good to see that this innovation in the publishing industry is working well. In the near future I plan on doing some experiments myself. reports to follow

Dragon deseases
I love the idea of a dragon catching a cold, though I hate to be in the neighbourhood when he sneezes. Kobold Quarterly had the third post in a series of five that describe diseases that can strike a dragon.

A mapper to make beautiful old-school maps.

Dungeons and Dragons alignments explained with muppets characters

Over at Kobold Quarterly they have an anniversary. It's been five years since Open Design, the parent company of Kobold Quarterly started. This pary is celebrated with massive discounts on their products. Go check it out:

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