Friday night was our group's monthly Traveller night. We're playing the fifth session.
Baccus' requestThere we were, hanging out in Murphy's again. Hank Williams was playing on the jukebox, and we were enjoying our beers. "You boys and girls want a drink", Baccus asked. "Sure, anytime. Sit down", our reply was. It turned out Baccus needed us to make a run. Apparently, he was double booked for this week. Yeah right! As if it had nothing to do with making smuggle runs to the planet. I guess he is feeling Reichman's heat, and doesn't want to burn himself this time. What he doesn't know, or seems to know, is that, for the time being, we are in the same ballpark as Reichman. Anyway, a gig is a gig, and this baby would earn us 10.000 credits in a day, half up front. Perhaps we find some useful information to sell back to Reichman as a nice bonus. If we're real lucky we can even nail that bastard Baccus, we'll see.
Making the runFor 10.000 credits we have to deliver two 250 kg heavy crates to some predefined coordinates on Inchin. With the crates loaded Jack can't hold his curiosity any longer, and has to try the activation code of Baccus' ship, 5382, on the lock on one of the crates. Unfortunately, it doesn't work, and the light display on the crate seems to indicate that attempt one of three has been used.
We decided not to meddle with the crates any longer. The run into Inchin's atmosphere was a smooth ride, thanks to the excellent flying skills of Jol Nar.

At the delivery point, no one was waiting for us. We decided to drop off the crates and to fly the beetle juice to a nearby mesa were we could spy on the spot without a too large change of being spotted in return. After a while we see a raft approaching the crates. A group of X, presumed rebels pick up the crates and leave in the direction they came from. We had our own raft ready, and pursued the rebels to see if we could learn something interesting.
Steel plateGoing 140 km per hour through a narrow canyon required the full attention of Jol Nar. We came across a crossing with a second canyon, but did not give it much thought, and went straight ahead. Just around the corner of a slight curve in the canyon a big steel plate, the size of the canyon, was blocking our way. Jol Nar managed to stop the raft just in time before getting crushed on the surface of the plate. All of a sudden we heard the familliar buss of gun turrets targeting. Jolnar took the raft in full reverse while Ed and Charles were emptying their combat riffles on the turret muzzles.
Contacting ReichmanBack at Takeda station we contacted Reichman. The information we told him was not necessarily new information, but we did manage to get a new assignment. Even if this amounts to nothing, we still have our backs covered as far as the authorities are concerned.
Going backWe took the beetlejuice back to Inchin and got the raft out. following the exact trail as the first time, we arrived at the junction between the two canyons. Instead of going straight to the metal wall again, now we decided to take a turn for the left. Here we found an enormeous loader. Figuring this might come in handy when approaching the steel wall, we tried to start is. Alas, the power cells were drained. Next session we have to look for a way to power the loader. But, with Max and Stacey combined, that shouln't be too much of a challenge.
The sessions we played so far:Chapter I - Rat Hive Exodus
Chapter II - Beetlejuice
Chapter III - Spacetruckers
Chapter IV - The Lion and the Dragon
Chapter V - Deadly Choices