Destroyed settlement
The arm in which we found the abandoned loader turned to an end after 50 meters. We knew that there were no cells to the left, as that was the canyon leading to the steel door. So we investigated the canyon straight ahead. About half a kilometer, we saw a small settlement of three bio-dome tents. Cautiously we brought the raft nearer to investigate. One of the tents was shredded to pieces. Behind the tent was a large hole in the ground with, which looked like, a generator on the bottom. Jack jumped from the raft and tried to open the door. When the combination lock did not work, he became impatient and put his shotgun against the tent, destroying the tent in the process. Inside we did not find the sought-after cells.
From upon the raft it was clear that the generator still worked. So that became our main interest. Again, the impatient nature of our friend Jack nearly killed him. He descended from a steel staircase that was fixed to the side of the hole. Halfway the stairs, two large, praying mantice-like creatures emerged from pigeonholes in the side of the hole. Startled by this sight, jack descended the stairs as quickly as possible. On the bottom of the hole he took his shotgun and blasted one of the creatures to a gooey paste.
Fortunately for him, Ed was rushing in to do his part in the slaying. This could not prevent the insects from taking a few good bites from Jack. On the brink of death, Jack was, once again, saved by Dr Max Alder.
[caption id="attachment_243" align="aligncenter" width="488" caption="Saviour of the day"]
Using the Loader
Charles climbed onto the loader and tried to steer the thing towards the metal plate. Fortunately for him, the wind shield on the loader was as good as bullet proof. The gun turrets we encountered earlier fired their ammo full blast on the loader. Suffering from the same impatience bug as Jack, Charles started charging into the wall. This did not have the effect he hoped. Studying the controlpanel he noticed a button protected by a plastic cover. Always good news! He pushed the button and saw a sonic blast building up at the tip of the pinchingarm of the loader. He aimed the blast at the soft rock to the left of the metal plate. This was enough to bring the heavy plate down.
Fighting the guard
Once inside we saw that the canyon led to a large open-roofed cave. The cave was heavily guarded by human guards and gun turrets. Swift action of Ed ensured that the guards could not use the turrets against us. No all to serious injuries were sustained in the battle that followed.