donderdag 10 februari 2011

Mongoose Traveller news February 2011

Traveller is alive and Kicking! Mongoose just released anew edition of their Supplement 1: 760 patrons, and a new supplement: Supplement 8: Cybernetics. Visit these links for a preview. As you can see, the design of the books is familliar: Traveller-black, with a Supplement-yellow font. Classic!

Supplement 1: 760 patrons
A collection of encounters broken down to different locations and settings, such as Megacorp-encounters, Military Base encounters, or Frontier encounters.


Supplement 8:
As a big cyberpunk fan, I'm very interested in Supplement 8. I wonder how the techlevels are written into the book. Additionally, I hope that there are some mechanics for hacking and computer warfare just as in Cyberpunk 2020

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